Kerfoot Ave Waterline Installation, Front Royal VA

Kerfoot Ave Waterline Installation, Front Royal VA

We recently have completed a fairly large waterline installation contract for the Town of Front Royal.  The work consisted of the replacement of transite water main with ductile iron pipe.  Located on Kerfoot Avenue, the replacement ran from the intersection of Kerfoot Avenue and Salem Avenue to the intersection of Kerfoot Avenue and River Drive. In total we removed 1,600 feet of existing 4” transite water main and replaced it with new 8” Class 52 ductile iron pipe.

This was the main trunk line.  Included with the mainline work was thirty-eight (38) existing water services we transferred, (2) new fire hydrants on Kerfoot Avenue (each with a new 8” MJ tee and three (3) new 8” gate valves),  and a total of thirteen 8” gate valves.

I’ve included some neat pictures showing some fairly large utility crossings we encountered.  We ended up using Hydro Excavation to remove the soil around them.

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For more information or an estimate please feel free to email or give us a call.

Bushong Contracting

P: 540-459-5975





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